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Monday 23rd February 2009,
from 6pm to 9pm

Kirkby Malhamdale Primary School

The event is being organised by Malhamdale Renewable Energy Group

Come and join us in trying to reduce our community’s environmental and carbon footprints.

Find out how to save ENERGY and MONEY!

Meet the OWL – to help keep your electricity bills down

Learn about alternative technologies for generating your own ENERGY

Find out about the potential for COMMUNITY PROJECTS in the Dale

Create a vision for a SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FUTURE in Malhamdale

The Energy Study of the Malhamdale Area carried out by the Group in association with the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) measured our carbon footprint as 12.54 tonnes per person, above the average for Yorkshire and Humberside, of 11.07 tonnes and well above what we should be aiming for to prevent catastrophic climate change.

Home heating is the biggest contributor to CO2 emissions suggesting that oil, LPG and electricity should be replaced by biomass as the primary fuel for heating our homes. Apart from reducing our footprint, wood biomass could, in the long term, provide an economical and sustainable source of fuel well into the future as well as contributing to a more diverse local economy.

At the Future Energy Fair members of the group will be on hand to answer your questions on:

  • Energy saving techniques
  • Monitoring CO2 emissions
  • Generating your own energy
  • Community renewable energy projects
  • Our vision for a sustainable thriving community based on energy self reliance

At the fair you will also

  • See displays and examples of the latest renewable technologies
  • Get impartial advice on the best options for your home
  • Learn about local grants for renewable technologies and home insulation
  • Ask accredited installers your questions
  • Get advice from National Park planners about planning applications for renewable energy technologies

Light refreshments will also be available.

Come and help us to:


Background information on the formation of the Malhamdale Initiative.

If you are interested and want to get involved please contact the Group Coordinator: Sandy Tod, Tel. 830690, e-mail Sandy

About Malhamdale Carbon Watchers

How to get involved

Ways to conserve energy

About Malhamdale Initiative


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