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Links and local information for Malham, North Yorkshire UK

Kirkby Malham Parish Council Finance

Financial Documents

2024 KMPC Risk Assessment

2024 Drone Policy

2024 Chairs Annual Report

2024 Inspection of Accounts

2024 Governance Statement

2024 Bank Reconciliation

2024 Explanation of Variance

2024 Accounting Statements

2024 Internal Audit

2024 Certificate of Exemption

2023 External Audit Report

2023 Notice of Conclusion of Audit

2023 Annual Internal Audit

2023 Governance Statement

2023 Accounting Statement

2023 Inspection of Accounts

2023 Bank Reconciliation

2023 Explanation of Variances

2023 Certificate of Exemption

2022 Annual Internal Audit

2022 Governance Statement

2022 Accounting Statement

2022 Exercise of Public Rights

2022 Bank Reconciliation

2022 Explanation of Variances


2021 External Audit Report

2021 Notice of Conclusion of Audit

2021 Annual Internal Audit

2021 Governance Statement

2021 Accounting Statement

2021 Exercise of Public Rights

2021 Bank Reconciliation

2021 Explanation of Variances


2020 annual internal audit report

2020 annual governance statement

2020 accounting statements

2020 notice for the Exercise of Public Rights

2020 Explanation of variances 2019 to 2020

2020 certificate of exemption

Bank Reconcilliation 31st March 2020

KMPC Accounting Statement 2019

KMPC Bank Reconcilliation 2019

KMPC Certificate of Exemption 2019

KMPC Explanation of Variances 2019

KMPC Governance Statement 2019

KMPC Internal Audit 2019

KMPC Notice of Public Rights 2019

KMPC Accounting Statement 2017-18

KMPC Internal Audit 2018

KMPC Governance Statement 2018

Explanation of variances 2017-18

KMPC Bank Reconcilliation 31st March 2018

KMPC Annual Return 2017

KMPC Accounting Statement 2017

KMPC Internal Audit 2017

KMPC Governance Statement 2017

KMPC Audit 2016

KMPC Annual Return 2016

KMPC Financial Summary December 2015

KMPC Financial Summary August 2015

KMPC Financial Summary February 2015

KMPC Financial Summary November 2009

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