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Links and local information for Malham, North Yorkshire UK

The Malhamdale Carbon Watchers

Want to get involved?

Carbon Watchers is initially addressing energy conservation as a prelude to encouraging the uptake of renewable energy technologies in accordance with the Renewable Energy Study of the Malhamdale Area.

We have setup a brief survey, please complete to help us understand our current carbon footprint and the potential reduction we can achieve. Click Here to take survey

Community schemes when compared to individual micro projects not only produce more, at higher levels of efficiency than individual micro-projects, but benefit more people and attract more funding. If you know of a potential community project and would like support in trying to develop it please get in touch with us.

The report highlights the need for alternatives to fossil fuels for home heating and singles out wood fuel (bio-mass) as having the potential to provide low carbon solutions to both individual and community energy projects. This is an exciting potential area of development for the dale and could, in the long term, give rise to employment opportunities in woodland management and production of bio-mass wood fuel.

If you own or know of land that would be suited to growing fuel crops and would like to investigate potential please get in touch with us.

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