Links and local information for Malham, North Yorkshire UK
Kirkby Malhamdale Parish Council (KMPC) is a combined Council incorporating the Parishes of Malham, Malham Moor, Kirkby Malham and Hanlith.
Kirkby Malhamdale is a small but vibrant rural community in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Malhamdale is set in spectacular limestone scenery and is a popular tourism destination.
Contact the Parish Council:- The Clerk to KMPC, The Rookery, Kirkby Malham, SKIPTON, BD23 4BX
e-mail Kirkby Malham Parish Council.
VACANCY – Parish Councillor for Malham Moor Ward (January 2025) Do you live or work in Malham Moor or Malhamdale, do you have a few hours spare per month? Would you like to help & get involved with the community? Kirkby Malham Parish Council is looking for a new Councillor for the Malham Moor Ward, meetings are held once a month in Malham Village Hall. Interested?, please do get in touch by telephone 01729-830529 or email. e-mail Kirkby Malham Parish Council
Wanted – Parish Clerk Do you have a few hours spare per month? Would you like to help & get involved with the community? Kirkby Malham Parish Council is looking for a new Clerk, duties include circulating the agenda, minutes and writing the occasional letter/email. Interested?, please do get in touch by telephone 01729-830529 or email. e-mail Kirkby Malham Parish Council.
3rd March 2025
7th April 2025
12th May 2025 (incorporating AGM) – in Kirkby Malham Village Hall
2nd June 2025
7th July 2025
August 2025 – no Meeting Summer recess
1st September 2025 – in Kirkby Malham Village Hall
6th October 2025
3rd November 2025
1st December 2025
Meetings are held on the first Monday of the month in Malham Village Hall commencing 7.30pm (AGM 7pm) with the exception of Bank Holidays when meetings will be held on the following Monday. Occasionally meetings are held in Kirkby Malham Parish Hall.
All Parishioners welcome to attend. If you would like an item adding to the agenda or you have any public questions to raise at a Parish Council Meeting please forward these in advance of the meeting to the Clerk to the KMPC. e-mail Kirkby Malham Parish Council. Public Questions are an Agenda item at the beginning of the meeting.
Minutes of meetings, agenda and associated documents are displayed on the Parish Noticeboard in Malham Village and are available from the Parish Council Download page here Kirkby Malham Parish Council Minutes.
Parish Council Financial Documents, Audits and Reports can be found here KMPC Finance
As part of the national resilience initiative, North Yorkshire has its own resilience team – Ready For Anything. As well having a network of volunteers and equipment it helps communities get ready to help themselves in case of a local emergency. All parish areas are encouraged to develop their own resilience capability and the basis for this is a Community Emergency Plan. In essence this plan gives a framework for the community to pull together to help themselves until, if necessary, emergency services and volunteers come to their assistance. Over the last few years, we have developed a robust Community Emergency Plan which, we are proud to say, has been used across North Yorkshire as a template for a rural emergency plan.
Our plan identifies likely emergencies that may arise, recognises what community assets we have and shows how we can best react to a developing emergency. It’s worth a read so that as many members of the Parish understand how we can help ourselves if need be and it also gives people the opportunity to offer whatever help they can. Our most regular emergency is flooding in Kirkby Malham and Malham so the more people who know what we can do and where things like the sandbag stores are the better. If you’d like to volunteer to help please contact any member of the Parish Council who can in turn let the Emergency Plan lead, Mike Harrop, know.
More information, minutes and news from MEG
In the midst of the June 2023 Heatwave Kirkby Malhamdale Parish Council are pleased to unveil the latest addition to the Public Facilities in Malham Village. Funded from visitor donations the new Water Fountain and Bottle Refill station can be operated hands free and is situated in the center of Malham outside the Public Conveniences.
In March 2022 the Parish Council purchased and setup two Litter Pick Stations in Malhamdale, outside the Public Toilets in Malham Village and at Gordale Refreshments between Gordale Scar and Janet’s Foss. These are part of The 2 Minute Foundation #2minutelitterpick and can be found all around the UK on beaches and in parks and Villages.
LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE Don’t let litter spoil it
Stations in Malham (outside Toilets) & at Gordale Refreshments between Gordale Scar & Janet’s Foss
A Kirkby Malham Parish Council Initiative, with thanks to our #2minutelitterpick Guardians. Lenghtsman Mick Parker, Gordale Refreshments and Barney our first litter picker!
For your information here is a breakdown of how we spend the donation money received from the honesty boxes around the Village with some approximate percentages. This year we are in surplus by approx 29% as we haven’t had any large bills to upgrade the toilets.
Surplus money will go towards things like improving the footpaths and providing dog bins for the village and maintaining the woodland, etc.
31% spent on Lengthsman (grass cutting, cleaning and maintaining toilets, unblocking drains, etc.)
8.5% Water and Electric bills for the toilets
6.5% Loo Rolls
25% Contribution to Traffic Report
2019 – The Traffic Management Plan has now been completed by Atkins our Consultants and the Draft delivered to the Parish Council.
Link to the full Malhamdale Traffic Management Plan
The first meeting was held on the 28th Feb 2019. Next meeting Monday the 25th March 2019, 8pm Malham Village Hall.
The meeting was convened after it was agreed by the Parish Council to create a Sub – committee to include members of the Parish Council and participating observers at the monthly Parish Council meetings to discuss the ‘ Malham Visitor Access Action Plan’ written by the consultants, Atkins. The sub-committee is to meet once per month and to report to the Parish Council on any thoughts / ideas so the Parish Council can consider points of view expressed and include them in their monthly general Parish Council meeting.
2018 – Kirkby Malham Parish Council is looking to develop a Visitor Traffic Management Plan for Malham. The Plan will make recommendations to address the current traffic and parking issues faced by both visitors and residents in Malham, being mindful of the needs of residents and businesses, while also supporting the desire to welcome visitors to the area.
Funds raised from donation boxes are used for the general upkeep of the Village, for example grass cutting, bench maintenance, toilet maintenance & supplies, signage, Village Green and Parish Land maintenance.
A sub committee has been formed to develop and produce a Community Emergency Plan.
This includes sand bag stores in Malham with other sites planned.
The new Noticeboard on the Parish Hall in Kirkby Malham fitted February 2017
More information on the Leader Funded Malham Village Enhancement Project
The Parish Council and Malhamdale Initiative are looking at the possibility of replacing some of the very urban signage present in Malhamdale with signs more in keeping and traditional to our location. We have submitted a LEADER bid for funding and new OLD signage is being designed.
The new Malham Village Signpost
The Parish Council and Malhamdale Initiative are also looking into the refurbishment or rebuilding of the Post office clapper bridge in Malham, we have applied for LEADER funding and YDNPA have promised help and some funding to adopt the path as a footpath and to install a new traditional footbridge with a decorative handrail made by our local blacksmith. Watch this space – we hope to start installation in early 2012.
The new Post Office Clapper Bridge & Sheep Dip Railings
In April 2006 Craven District Council decided to close the very run down and unmaintained Public Conveniences (Toilets) in the centre of Malham village. These are now run by the Parish Council and have been repaired to an acceptable standard. Various fundraising activities are in place to maintain and keep these facilities open, if you have any suggestions and improvements for these facilities please contact the Parish Council.
A Part time Lengthsman is now employed by the Parish Council to complete a range of jobs including, Grass Cutting, Bench, Fence and Wall maintenance, Toilet cleaning and maintenance. Various other projects and improvements are planned as funding allows.
As part of the Lengthsman Project a Noticeboard has been erected on the Public Conveniences in the middle of Malham and advertising space is let to local businesses and services to raise funds towards the cost of the Lengthsman. The noticeboard is well located in the centre of the Village and generates considerable interest from our large visiting tourist population. Please contact Chris Wildman if you are interested in placing an advertisement.
Ongoing Village Green maintenance and development
Want to contribute? e-mail us.
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