Malham WI
Malham Women’s Institute
Meets in Malham Village Hall, Malham, From 7.30pm Every 2nd Wednesday in the Month.
Malham Women’s Institute is based in Malham, North Yorkshire in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales.
Our WI was formed in 1929 by a group of women from the farming community of Malham, Kirkby Malham, Hanlith, Malham Moor, Bell Busk, Otterburn and Airton, originally meeting at The Cherries in the centre of Malham. Imagine, women from these outlying farms walking to a meeting on cold black wet nights? They did it because they had promised their neighbours and friends that they would walk together. Within a year of forming, there were 80 members who had joined an organisation that wished to improve the lot of women.
Our 90th Celebrations this year have been disrupted, of course, by Covid 19. We have, however, continued with our meetings via Zoom. We welcome new members and anyone joining us now needs to only pay £10.75 for 6 months’ membership.
Malham WI book group will meet in the Village Hall on the second Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm
If you would like to know more please contact
President Hazel Allen 01729 822345/07790800471
Secretary Tracey Baron 01729830903
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