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Malham Safari Trail “A Day at the Zoo” 23rd May – 31st May June 2009

A great day out for the whole family.

Malham Safari Zoo Animals will be all around Malham and you are invited to come and join in the fun. Every day throughout the week we will have some events including some or all of the following things to see and do

See how many Parrots you can find

Morris Dancing Saturday 23rd, 12-3pm

Vintage Car Rally, Saturday 23rd

Stream Dipping, Tuesday 26th, YDNPA 10.30-4pm

Jazz Evening Tuesday 26th May, 6.30pm till late

Archery, both weekends

Duck Races, every day, weather permitting

Film Night, Mamma Mia singalong, 20th June, 4pm

All events weather permitting

Malham Safari Trail A Day at the Zoo 23rd May   31st May June 2009

Quiz and map sheets available – Prizes for the first two correct entries drawn from a hat at the end of the week

Malham Safari Trail A Day at the Zoo 23rd May   31st May June 2009

If you have any suggestions or ideas for our Safari, please contact Nick Bradley

This year we are staging a Mamma Mia singalong starting at 4pm on Saturday 20th June at Newfield Hall and a
Jazz Evening on Tuesday 26th May featuring Dales Jam (from Skipton – as seen at the Waterways Festival) at The Lister Arms pub 6.30pm till late. Tickets are available at The Lister Arms Pub or from a member of The Malham Safari Committee. Please do come and join us for a fantastic evening of entertainment.

Just a short note to thank all the people who had created the 2008 Olympics. We spent a fabulous day on Tuesday exploring your village and eating delicious cakes and burning them off on safari. My two daughters and I enjoyed the whole day and were most impressed by the Boxing Kangaroo and synchronised dolphins. We will make sure we attend next year’s event. Once again thanks to all involved. Catherine, Heather & Lily Burscough

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